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Battle of Stamford Bridge - Prelude
BATTLE OF STAMFORD BRIDGE 1) PRELUDE In the wake of their triumphant conquest of Fulford, Hardrada and Tostig found themselves in...
The Battle of Gate Fulford
The year of 1066 saw three major battles focusing on the struggle between the major contenders for the throne of England.
The 1066 Project: Death of Edward the Confessor
For the nobles of England, gathered in the great hall of King Edward’s palace on Thorney Island, it must have come as a surprise that...
Whats New: Website and new books!
Welcome to my new website, Threads to the Past. Over the last two years I have been so busy working on new projects. As you can see I...
Paula’s People: Melissa Speed, Guest Post
Melissa tells us about the inspiration for her story in the latest HWF anthology As soon as I saw Nicolaes Maes’ painting The Lacemaker...
Paula’s People: Lynn Bryant talks about the historical cast of her latest book, Unattainable Stronghold
An Unattainable Stronghold (Book 8 of the Peninsular War Saga) The Historical Cast To celebrate the publication of An Unattainable...
The Howling of Wolves by Paula Lofting
Taken from the ghostly anthology by the Hisorical Writers Forum
#excerptsunday: Read an snippet from Wolf’s Bane
This weeks excerpt comes from WIP Wolf’s Bane, Book 3 in the Sons of the Wolf Series. Tovi is now in his fourteenth year and has been at...
#excerptsunday: Read an snippet from The Wolf Banner
Today we know many families who have problems with dysfunction, it is easy to think that this is a modern phenomenon. But look back...
Read an excerpt from Sons of the Wolf
This piece is from the first novel in the series, Sons of the Wolf
Excerpt from Wolf’s Bane Book 3
The Sons of the Wolf series is set in the second half of the 11th century and is centred around the fortunes of a Sussex family
New Beginings
In 2016 I started a series of posts about the events of 1066 that led to the Battle of Hastings that year on 14 October, 1066. It had...
Welcome Home
A story for Halloween
Paula’s People: John Fletcher, author of Cornish History
Please welcome my guest poster for today here on Paula’s People. John is a member of our facebook group Historical Writers Forum and I’ve...
Blog Tour, The Admiral’s Wife by M.K. Tod
Today I’m very happy to introduce an excerpt from The Admiral’s Wife which is currently on tour (see schedule banner at the end of the...
From the Bottle to the Battlefield: A Writers Story
Writing has always been a great hunger for me but for many years, I never wrote a word because I thought I was not capable. And in some...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Woman of the Bayeux Tapestry – Part VII
Wecome to the concluding part of Ælfgyva: The Mystery Lady of the Bayeux Tapestry. Imagine someone wants to tell you some gossip about...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Woman of the Bayeux Tapestry – Part VI
In this final examination of this mystery, I do not aim to prove,what the image of Alfgyva and the priest represents. It would be...
Howling At The Moon
Ever wondered what dark secrets your characters hold in their hearts? A conversation with my guy, Wulfhere, and a bit of help from...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Lady of the Bayeux Tapestry Part V
by Paula Lofting For those who have not read any of my earlier posts about this puzzling enigmatic woman, Ælfgyva, whose image is...
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