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Battle of Stamford Bridge - Prelude
BATTLE OF STAMFORD BRIDGE 1) PRELUDE In the wake of their triumphant conquest of Fulford, Hardrada and Tostig found themselves in...
The Battle of Gate Fulford
The year of 1066 saw three major battles focusing on the struggle between the major contenders for the throne of England.
The 1066 Project: Death of Edward the Confessor
For the nobles of England, gathered in the great hall of King Edward’s palace on Thorney Island, it must have come as a surprise that...
New Beginings
In 2016 I started a series of posts about the events of 1066 that led to the Battle of Hastings that year on 14 October, 1066. It had...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Woman of the Bayeux Tapestry – Part VII
Wecome to the concluding part of Ælfgyva: The Mystery Lady of the Bayeux Tapestry. Imagine someone wants to tell you some gossip about...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Woman of the Bayeux Tapestry – Part VI
In this final examination of this mystery, I do not aim to prove,what the image of Alfgyva and the priest represents. It would be...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Lady of the Bayeux Tapestry Part V
by Paula Lofting For those who have not read any of my earlier posts about this puzzling enigmatic woman, Ælfgyva, whose image is...
Ælfgyva: The Mystery Woman of the Bayeux Tapestry – Part IV
The woman in the Bayeux Tapestry called Ælfgyva has given commentators and historians alike, food for thought for as long as the Bayeux...
My Favourite Historical Figure: Harold Godwinson
Blogtober has been a lot of fun for us at @Histwriters and I’ve met a lot of amazing new characters along the way. It wasn’t hard for me...
Christmas 1065: A Brother’s Betrayal, A King Lays Dying and a New King is Chosen.
– I am proud to add my contribution to this year’s wonderful Christmas Blog Hop Event from the Historical Writers Forum. See more...
The Rise of Edward the Confessor: The Story of the Man Who But For a Quirk of Fate, Might Never Have
How Edward Became King Bayeux Tapestry, Scene 1: King Edward the Confessor and Earl Harold. Source: Wikipedia, Creative Commons, Author:...
The Battle of Hereford – Part One: The story of two men and a king
Ralph de Mantes was the son of King Edward’s sister, Godgifu, known commonly as Goda. Goda was the king’s full sister, therefore a...
Leofgar – Death in the Valleys
October 1055 saw Earl Ralph’s magnificent defeat by the allied forces of Alfgar of Mercia and Gruffudd, self-proclaimed King of Cymru...
Chapter Sixteen: The End of England as it was in 1066
So, we have come, finally, to the end of the road that took us on our journey to the Battle of Hastings. By the end of December, William...
Chapter Fifteen: The Conqueror is Crowned
“And Earl William went back to Hastings again, and waited there to see if he would be submitted to; but when he realised that no one was...
Chapter Fourteen: Behold Our New King, Edgar the II!
In London, it was said that the streets were ‘teeming’. There were so many men, survivors of Hastings, and the armies that had been...
Chapter Thirteen: The Aftermath of the Battle
And so, the battle culminated in the end of Harold Godwinson’s reign. The Battle of Hastings, as it has largely been referred to,...
Chapter 12: The Battle 4) Harold meets his end and William wins by the skin of his teeth.
In the previous post, the battle had reached a turning point, one that had finally made a dent in the English Shield Wall. We saw...
Chapter 12: The Battle: 2) A Worthy and Just Cause
So in the last part of this post, the battle lines have been drawn. Harold’s army has been marshalled along the top of the ridge at the...
Chapter Twelve: The Battle: 1) The Lines Are Drawn
Harold was marshalling his men as the Norman army and their allies, marched along the road from Hastings, into the valley that was slung...
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